
Infant Classroom

“Rock-a-Bye Baby” A soothing environment is designed for your child to adapt to their new surroundings. Plush toys, climbing mats, mirrors, and musical instruments will infant-5stimulate their minds. Staff will bond with each child leaving them with a sense of security. We maintain a clean, safe, and nurturing environment.

“Play is an expression of our creativity, and creativity is at the very root our ability to learn, to cope, and to become whatever we may be” – Fred Rogers

Infant schedules are met on demand while meeting there individual needs seamlessly.


Toddler Classroom


“A Time to Explore” Toddlers are ego-centric while learning to be independent through self-help skills. You’ll find in our classroom your child will explore their imaginations, learn, and discover.  We will meet their needs, provoke interests, and encourage their abilities. Trial and error, self-awareness, and autonomy  are developed. Sharing is learned and a journey of independence begins.

    • Imagine
    • Explore
    • Discover

Toddler Schedule

“We see how early childhood experiences are so important to lifelong outcomes, how the early environment literally becomes embedded in the brain and changes its architecture.” – Andrew S. Garner


Preschool Classroom

“Welcome to a world of color and fun” Our classroom is filled with innovative activities including computers, use of manipulative toys, dramatic play, and enriched art programs that take place everyday. Children learn through socialization, setting limits, and making choices. Your child will be encouraged to ask questions, explore new encounters, and challenge their minds.

“Everything that you imagine you can do… and whatever you dream will come true!” – Anonymous

  View Pre-K Schedule
